the (moth) man of the future

We cannot afford to let time walk us by.

The time is now. Are you investing in train sciences? 

Wrong. You're not investing in train sciences. You're interested in one thing: mankind's oldest and first invention: The Light Bulb. That better have got your intention or frankly, my friend, you are of the past and I am of the future. Do you know who I am? I'm the one who's going to pass you a pizza pie of progress. Slang that on your stone age oven. Look at this. Do you see this? No, it's not a phone. What is this, 1998? 2011? 1905? The 1920s? Is this the 1920s? Does this look like the 1920s to you? Do you think Emperor Taisho is sitting in Tokyo right now, losing his marbles? Is that what you think is the case? Do you think it's the roaring twenties? The dawn of Jazz and the goddamned Charleston? Is that seriously what you think? Wrong. I mean right, it's not. This is an eerily glowing rectangle. Smells nice, doesn't it? That's the smell of phosphorous, two unnamed elements and a fern and only a little urine. To you, and your forward-leaning snout, it's the smell of success. Enjoy it. Endorse it. Make it part of your life. Feel the shine it casts on your skin. It really brings out the whites of your eyes, doesn't it? I think so. Look at those people over there. They think so too, they're just too shy to say anything. Don't talk to them. They won't get it. They're not of the future like we are. Look at the rectangle. Take in that seething glow. So clear yet so intangible. Pretty eerie, right?