Soundscape (2018)
Soundscape (2018)

Influenced by the technological synaesthesia of spectrograms, this work draws inspiration from the transliteration of sound to image, or more specifically, sound to landscape.

Ghost (2017)
Ghost (2017)

This work seeks to find the horror vacui of portraiture.

Red (2017)
Red (2017)

The primary colour used in the portrait signifies both the experiment in colour tone and the emotion they depict.

Halt (2017)
Halt (2017)

With a title referring to a type of computer error that causes a complete shutdown, this painting along with Catch Fire, express the moth patrol’s frustration with portraiture as an expressive style.

Catch Fire (2017)
Catch Fire (2017)

With a title referring to a type of computer error that causes a complete shutdown, this painting along with Halt, express the moth patrol’s frustration with portraiture as an expressive style.

Untitled (2017)
Untitled (2017)

This piece was a contemplation on the idea of immortality through depiction. When the subject has, through death and amnesia, been transformed into a literal object in the form of a painting, how can anything remain but the haunting?

Portrait I (2017)
Portrait I (2017)

Portraits haunt their subject. The subject will age, wither and die, and the portrait will replace them.


Portrait II (2017)
Portrait II (2017)

Portraits haunt their subject. The subject will age, wither and die, and the portrait will replace them.


Ronin Bill (2016)
Ronin Bill (2016)

Rubber ducks are a recurring theme in the moth patrol’s works. As a cultural artefact, they can be associated with both blank, plastic optimism and the ultimate victory of hyperreal objects over reality. At the same time, their lack of any clear expressiveness invites their application in other situations and juxtapositions. . In this painting, a rubber duck in samurai garb crosses rugged seas that is meant to echo baroque European landscapes.

Soundscape (2018)
Ghost (2017)
Red (2017)
Halt (2017)
Catch Fire (2017)
Untitled (2017)
Portrait I (2017)
Portrait II (2017)
Ronin Bill (2016)
Soundscape (2018)

Influenced by the technological synaesthesia of spectrograms, this work draws inspiration from the transliteration of sound to image, or more specifically, sound to landscape.

Ghost (2017)

This work seeks to find the horror vacui of portraiture.

Red (2017)

The primary colour used in the portrait signifies both the experiment in colour tone and the emotion they depict.

Halt (2017)

With a title referring to a type of computer error that causes a complete shutdown, this painting along with Catch Fire, express the moth patrol’s frustration with portraiture as an expressive style.

Catch Fire (2017)

With a title referring to a type of computer error that causes a complete shutdown, this painting along with Halt, express the moth patrol’s frustration with portraiture as an expressive style.

Untitled (2017)

This piece was a contemplation on the idea of immortality through depiction. When the subject has, through death and amnesia, been transformed into a literal object in the form of a painting, how can anything remain but the haunting?

Portrait I (2017)

Portraits haunt their subject. The subject will age, wither and die, and the portrait will replace them.


Portrait II (2017)

Portraits haunt their subject. The subject will age, wither and die, and the portrait will replace them.


Ronin Bill (2016)

Rubber ducks are a recurring theme in the moth patrol’s works. As a cultural artefact, they can be associated with both blank, plastic optimism and the ultimate victory of hyperreal objects over reality. At the same time, their lack of any clear expressiveness invites their application in other situations and juxtapositions. . In this painting, a rubber duck in samurai garb crosses rugged seas that is meant to echo baroque European landscapes.

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