In Black and White. (2016-2017)


Rice (Acrylic on illustration board)

By Chance

Through scattered rice and placements decided by dice-rolls, the lack of creative control turned into a meditative process.

Phone Box (Digital)

A simple solution.

The box frees its users from having to use the phone, and when someone simple makes the conscious choice to use the box, the movement has begun.

Untitled (Collage, analogue and digital)

Untitled (Collage, analogue and digital)

“What are you?”

Too much thought, too much deliberation.

A Book of Acquisitions, selected pages. (Digital)

Tear along the dotted lines…

Coupons for dis-counted experience.

work no.11717

video (2017)

labour takes up most of our lives, invading our daily existence in every sense, from our daily schedules to our values and ideology. paradoxically, as labour grows more automated, its purpose in turn becomes ever more alien. constructed and shot using scrap materials, this short stop-motion video explores themes of repetition and labour through absurd vignettes of a character performing an unknown Sisyphean task.